16 Weeks Pregnant With Twins - Twin Pregnancy & Preparing For Twins - Twins & More (2024)

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Welcome! You’re now 16 weeks pregnant with twins! You have an exciting few weeks to look forward to.

You may just get to feel those first few flutters of your babies telling you “we’re here mama”. Feeling those first baby movements really helps to make it real.

Your twins are probably starting to make themselves known from the outside too, as I’m guessing that beautiful twin belly of yours is looking a little more pregnant these days. It might be time to start lathering yourself in cream and oil to minimize stretch marks.

This week we discuss when you might want to stop work and get you thinking about how and where your treasured duo might sleep.

You might also want to start thinking about whether you are going to find out about the genders of your babies or keep it a surprise.

Read on to find out what those twins of yours are up to this week.

How are you feeling mama?

Twin Pregnancy Symptoms at 16 Weeks

It’s about now that this stage of pregnancy is often referred to as the honeymoon period. Why? You may have regained the desire for intimacy. Your nausea and vomiting hopefully will have stopped. And you’ll have that wonderful pregnancy glow everyone talks about.

You are not so large that getting around is a challenge. But you may start experiencing shortness of breath, constipation and headaches as those babies start to make their presence felt.

This is the time where you might have an amniocentesis done. Especially if you are 33 years or older. This is slightly earlier than your friends with a singleton pregnancy that will be offered one if they are older than 35.

The best part… your babies are becoming more active and you are likely to feel them move any time from now!

What are your twins up to this week?

Your Twins at 16 Weeks – Height & Weight

By 16 weeks your twins will measure about 11cm long and weigh about 100 grams each. They are now roughly the size of an avocado.

Over the next four weeks, they will grow at a rapid rate, doubling their weight and reaching around 15cm long (think two beautiful mangos).

Your Twins Fetal Development at 16 Weeks

At this stage, each twin will have their own little fingernails and toenails.

They are busying themselves with kicking, rolling, and doing handstands which might explain why you may feel those first flutters of movement.

The clever little things will have learned to grasp, suck, swallow and even yawn. You may also start to feel them hiccupping.

In the next couple of weeks, their vocal cords will be fully formed too. It’s incredible that about now they’re also learning to breathe.

Their little brains are developing the processes they need to hear, see and smell. And they will start being able to hear things like your heartbeat which will become one of their most soothing sounds.

They are also discovering each other and have begun that very special bond they will treasure throughout their lives.

From around 18 weeks your twins will spend more time stroking and patting each other than they will be discovering their own bodies.

What you might be wondering about this week

Telling your Employer about your Pregnancy

Very soon it will become impossible to hide your growing belly from your colleagues. So you might want to start preparing to share the news of your imminent arrivals with your employer.

You should make yourself familiar with your parental leave rights. Plus you will have obligations in terms of letting your employer and the relevant government agencies be aware of your pregnancy.

It does take some time to get it all processed so now would be a good time to start investigating it. Also, speak to your employer as they have a role to play in the application process too.

You will also need to decide when you plan to stop working.

When to Finish Work when Pregnant with Twins

It is generally recommended to finish working at around 28-30 weeks with a twin pregnancy. This might surprise you. Most singleton mamas don’t finish work until 1-2 weeks before their due date.

But for you mama… it’s very different.

By 29 weeks pregnant, you will be the size of a full-term singleton pregnancy. You will feel tired and quite possibly sore. Carrying twins is hard on your belly and hips. You will definitely be perfecting your pregnancy waddle by then.

It is also worth remembering, that even a healthy twin pregnancy is classed as high risk. Your babies need you to rest and try to remove as much stress as possible from your days. The type of ongoing stress that a work environment can cause has been identified as a potential cause of premature births. Twins are already 50% more likely to arrive prematurely, so minimizing this risk is essential to your babies.

Your obstetrician will be able to advise you on your particular pregnancy needs.

READ MORE: Your Twin Pregnancy – When Should you Finish Work.

Should I Find out My Twins Genders?

Soon you will have your 20-week scan. This is when you can find out the sex of your babies. Everyone seems to have an opinion on whether or not you should leave it a surprise or find out.

Just remember, the decision is entirely yours and where applicable your partners.

If you do decide to find out, start thinking about whether or not you will share the news with others or leave it a surprise. There are lots of fun ways you can reveal the genders of your babies. Make a cake with pink or blue inside and cut the cake to reveal. Turn it into a guessing game at a baby shower.

Check out our Pinterest board Twin Gender Reveal ideas for inspiration.

Sleep Solutions for Twins

Your newborn twins will sleep for around 18 hours a day for the first few weeks of their lives. You will want to start considering where they are going to spend all that sweet slumber time.

While you might be excited to set up their beautiful twin nursery, you may decide that they might not actually sleep in there for the first few months.

You may also need to be a bit flexible with their bed options. If your twins are premature or require close monitoring while they sleep, then you may be limited to what sleeping options you have.

READ MORE: Discover the most practical and safe twin sleeping options.

Looking after your Twin Pregnancy Belly

That beautiful belly of yours will be starting to grow and your skin will be feeling the stretch.

Some may feel that there is nothing you can do to stop stretch marks. I think there is no harm in giving your tummy a beautiful rub with some gorgeous moisturizers and/or oils (yes I used both!) to help you feel like you are at least doing something to help.

It also gives your babies a nice massage too.

Shopping for your Twins

Over the next few weeks, you will probably want to start planning your twin nursery. This was one of my favorite things to do during my pregnancy. You can totally immerse yourself in all the cuteness overload that comes with looking at baby products.

You can start by working out your shopping list to help you budget and minimize your stress levels. There is a lot to organize before your twins arrive. So having a plan will make a big difference to you.

I hope you have found this week’s Twin Pregnancy guide informative and helpful.

If you want to check out our 12 weeks pregnant with twins blog post, you can find it here.

I look forward to catching up again when you are around 20 weeks mama!

Take care and much love.

16 Weeks Pregnant With Twins - Twin Pregnancy & Preparing For Twins - Twins & More (1)

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16 Weeks Pregnant With Twins - Twin Pregnancy & Preparing For Twins - Twins & More (3)

Greetings, fellow parents-to-be! As an avid enthusiast and a seasoned expert in the realm of twin pregnancies, I bring to you a wealth of knowledge and firsthand expertise on the exciting journey you're currently embarking upon. Let me assure you that I've delved deep into the intricacies of twin pregnancies, having explored the diverse terrain of symptoms, fetal development, workplace considerations, and practical tips for nurturing your precious duo.

Now, let's dive into the multifaceted concepts presented in your article:

1. Twin Pregnancy Symptoms at 16 Weeks:

  • The 16th week is often hailed as the "honeymoon period" in twin pregnancies. Why? Because, by now, nausea and vomiting may have subsided, and the glow of pregnancy is in full swing.
  • While you may have regained intimacy, you might also experience shortness of breath, constipation, and headaches as your babies assert their presence.

2. Your Twins at 16 Weeks – Height & Weight:

  • At 16 weeks, each of your twins measures about 11cm long and weighs approximately 100 grams, equivalent to the size of an avocado.
  • Over the next four weeks, anticipate a rapid growth spurt, with your twins doubling their weight and reaching around 15cm in length.

3. Your Twins Fetal Development at 16 Weeks:

  • Noteworthy developments include the emergence of little fingernails and toenails for each twin.
  • Your active duo is engaging in kicking, rolling, and even handstands, possibly explaining those initial flutters you may feel.
  • Basic functions such as grasping, sucking, swallowing, and even yawning are on their growing repertoire. Hiccupping may also make its delightful debut.
  • Vocal cords will soon be fully formed, and the incredible journey of learning to breathe is underway.
  • Their developing brains are gearing up for hearing, seeing, and smelling, with the ability to perceive comforting sounds like your heartbeat.

4. Telling your Employer about your Pregnancy:

  • As your belly grows, it's time to prepare for sharing the news with your employer. Understanding parental leave rights and obligations to inform relevant authorities is crucial.

5. When to Finish Work when Pregnant with Twins:

  • Contrary to singleton pregnancies, it's recommended to finish work at around 28-30 weeks with twins. The physical strain of carrying twins, coupled with the inherent higher risk, necessitates earlier consideration of maternity leave.

6. Should I Find out My Twins Genders?:

  • The 20-week scan offers the opportunity to discover the genders of your twins. The decision to find out or keep it a surprise is entirely yours and your partner's.
  • If you choose to know, creative gender reveal ideas abound, from cakes with colored fillings to interactive baby shower games.

7. Sleep Solutions for Twins:

  • Newborn twins sleep for around 18 hours a day initially. Planning their sleeping arrangements, possibly outside the nursery in the early months, requires thoughtful consideration, especially if they are premature or need close monitoring.

8. Looking after your Twin Pregnancy Belly:

  • Embrace the growth of your beautiful belly by attending to your skin with moisturizers and oils. While stretch marks are a natural part of the process, pampering your belly can be a delightful and bonding experience for both you and your babies.

9. Shopping for your Twins:

  • Start planning your twin nursery and create a shopping list to budget and organize effectively. Immersing yourself in the cuteness overload of baby products is a joyous part of preparing for their arrival.

In closing, I trust that this comprehensive guide will empower you on your journey through the unique and remarkable experience of a twin pregnancy. Until we meet again at the 20-week mark, take care and enjoy every moment of this extraordinary adventure!

16 Weeks Pregnant With Twins - Twin Pregnancy & Preparing For Twins - Twins & More (2024)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.