11 Weeks Pregnant | Belly, Ultrasound & Symptoms (2024)

When you’re 11 weeks pregnant, you’resoclose to the end of the first trimester.

Continue reading to find out what to expect at pregnancy week 11.

11 weeks pregnant

You’re nearly done with the rollercoaster of morning sickness and mood swings dominating your body and your life.

Pregnancy hormones are beginning to settle and, hopefully, life will soon continue a bit more normally.

What are the signs and symptoms at 11 weeks of pregnancy? You might already be familiar with some of them.

How many months is 11 weeks pregnant?

It can be confusing trying to figure out which month you are in, when most of the information out there refers to pregnancy as a number of weeks.

The average pregnancy is around 40 weeks from your last menstrual period (LMP).

The best way to estimate your due date is to count 40 weeks (or 280 days) from the first day of your last period.

At week 11, you’re now one week away from 3 months, which marks the start of the second trimester.

11 week pregnancy symptoms

When you’re at the 11 weeks pregnant mark, what pregnancy symptoms should you expect?

During your first trimester, it’s not uncommon to experience a number of early pregnancy symptoms. You may well have come across some of these already, or you might experience a couple of new ones.

You might be wondering whether pregnancy fatigue will ever end? The pregnancy hormone progesterone is responsible for making you feel so tired. Rest assured, you’ll have plenty of energy soon.

And the good news? Any morning sickness should be easing off in the next few weeks or so. Yay!

You might’ve noticed strange symptoms like a metallic taste in your mouth, a stuffy nose, and more frequent urination.

A few other interesting pregnancy symptoms might have shown up, including:

Leg cramps

Ouch! Leg cramps can literally be a pain. They’re also annoying, as they often happen at night, interrupting your precious sleep.

Leg cramps occur when the calf muscle involuntarily contracts creating an unexpected spasm in the lower leg. They can come as quite a surprise and can leave a lingering soreness in the muscle for up to 24 hours.

There are many possible causes of leg cramps, including fatigue, dehydration, or decreased circulation in the legs, due to your growing uterus.

To prevent cramps, make sure you’re getting enough potassium andmagnesium; try anEpsom salts bathbefore bed.

You could also try adding some prenatal yoga,or gentle stretches, to your bedtime routine. And, of course, keep your water intake up and stay hydrated, especially if it’s hot.

Body temperature increase

Fluctuations in your body temperature are related to hormonal changes. If you were tracking your fertility prior to getting pregnant, you might already be familiar with the BBT (basal body temperature) method of tracking ovulation. Many women use the BBT method when planning for pregnancy.

During ovulation, progesterone levels rise, which results in a very slight increase in your BBT (by about 0.2 degrees). This slight increase in body temperature is maintained for the rest of the cycle, until the egg is shed, along with the lining of the uterus. Menstruation lowers progesterone levels, and the body temperature returns to normal.

During pregnancy, because the egg is fertilized (and therefore not shed), your body temperature remains high.

Later in pregnancy, you might also feel flushed, because of all the extra blood your bodyis making. Increased blood flow to the skin means you’ll feel warmer and sweat more than usual. Keep your fluids up and wear loose cotton clothing to stay comfortable.

Linea nigra

Have you recently noticed a dark line showing up on your belly? This is known as the linea nigra, which is Latin for ‘black line’. The change in skin pigment appears as a vertical line down the center of the abdomen during pregnancy.

This skin darkening is a normal pregnancy symptom and is caused by the hormones involved in pregnancy. Don’t worry, the line is nothing to worry about. Up to 75% of moms-to-be will notice it.

The line will disappear or fade with time after your baby is born. Along with the darkening of the areola, it is said to help your baby locate the breast at birth.

Changing levels of pregnancy hormones will also be partly responsible for stretch marks you might notice later on in the pregnancy. These stretch marks will also fade after birth.

Sense of smell

Have you noticed you have a more acute sense of smell recently? Picking up smells no one else notices? Many women experience a stronger sense of smell, particularly in early pregnancy.

You might find yourself more sensitive to certain odors, such as spoiled or ‘off’ foods, cigarette smoke, perfume, or spices. It’s not uncommon for pregnant women to become hypersensitive to the smell of certain foods; common culprits include cooked meats, vegetables, coffee, and fried foods.

Although this heightened sense of smell might seem inconvenient at times, it is thought to be your body’s way of protecting you from potentially harmful foods or pathogens. That’s pretty clever really! It’s certainly nothing to be concerned about, and is usually the sign of a healthy pregnancy.

11 week pregnant no symptoms

Everyone will experience her pregnancy differently.

Some women start feeling symptoms very early on – in the first week or so after their missed period. Some might experience many different symptoms, or experience them very intensely. Others might have a few, or not experience any at all.

Although the idea of being symptom-free might seem appealing, many women worry their pregnancy might not be progressing as it should.

At 11 weeks, you might have experienced symptoms that are now beginning to fade, or have disappeared completely.

If this is the case, it’s likely you’re just heading into the second trimester, where the majority of symptoms tend to settle naturally. Your body is adjusting, baby’s development is ticking along, and you’re getting closer to the point where symptoms naturally ease off.

If your symptoms have changed, or stopped suddenly, or if you’re concerned about a lack of symptoms, contact your healthcare providers for professional medical advice. They will see how baby’s development is going and check your health, to reassure you.

11 weeks pregnant belly

Now you’ve reached week 11, your growing baby is starting to push your belly out slightly. Your uterus is now about the size of a grapefruit.

Having a baby bump is really special, and your hand probably instinctively strays there from time to time, to give it a pat or rub.

11 weeks can be a tricky time emotionally, as you adapt to the physical changes occurring with your baby’s growth. Some women don’t think they look pregnant yet, but just feel rather bloated, or a bit ‘squishier’ than usual. This can be a little disheartening at times.

If this isn’t your first pregnancy, you could start showing a little earlier than you did the first time around.

You might find your clothes aren’t fitting very well at this point. Your waist starts to expand early on, despite your baby not being very big at this stage.

If you haven’t already invested in some comfy stretchy clothes, now is a good time to do it.

Announcing your pregnancy

If people haven’t already guessed you’re pregnant by now, you’ll soon have some great news to share.

Many women feel concerned about letting everyone know about their pregnancy, in case something goes wrong.

Traditionally, most women wait until 12 weeksbefore announcing they’re pregnant. They wait until after they’ve had their prenatal screening tests and the risk of miscarriage decreases.

If you’ve experienced previous miscarriages, this can be an emotional time.

You might need support from your family and friends.

Most importantly, if you would prefer to have support sooner rather than later, there’s no reason you can’t announce you’re pregnant earlier.

You might like to read 4 Reasons Not To Wait Until 12 Weeks To Announce Pregnancy.

Announcing your pregnancy to the world is exciting.

Some couples go all out when it comes to letting the world know they’re expecting a baby.

On the other hand, others prefer to keep things quiet and low-key when letting people in on the news.

For some ideas on how to announce your pregnancy, check outPregnancy Announcement Ideas – 7 Creative Videos.

Is 11 weeks pregnant safe?

Many women are concerned about the risk of miscarriage in trimester one. This is more of a concern if you’ve experienced a pregnancy loss before.

The risk of miscarriage is known to reduce dramatically after 12 weeks of pregnancy. However, research suggests even at 11 weeks the chances are slim.

This study suggests the risk of miscarriage is about 1.6% (or less) for women:

  • Who have no signs or symptoms of miscarriage, and
  • Who have attended a first antenatal visit between 6-11 weeks, and especially those
  • Who have a prenatal appointment at pregnancy week 8 or more?

What are the chances of miscarriage at 11 weeks?

Unfortunately, as many as 1 in 4-5 pregnancies end in miscarriage.

Although 80% of miscarriages occur in the first trimester, the chance of miscarriage is reduced the further along you are.

Most miscarriages occur in the first 8 weeks of pregnancy.

If you’ve reached 6 weeks, with a confirmed viable pregnancy, and a heartbeat has already been detected, the rate of miscarriage drops to 10%.

11 weeks pregnant your relationship

If you’re in a relationship, how is your partner coping with all the changes you’re experiencing?

The first trimester can be a rough time for you and your partner. Your partner might be trying to support you without really understanding what’s happening to you.

Your partner might like to read 15 Great Ways To Support Her During Pregnancy for more tips.

Be sure to take time to check in with each other. Share your pregnancy experiences and feelings on a personal level, and from both perspectives.

Bond with your baby together, by spending quality time with one another. Maybe carve out some time in the week to catch up, or eat dinner together. If you have other children, call in a favor from grandparents for some babysitting duties, so you can go out on a date night.

11 weeks pregnant ultrasound

Many women choose to have an ultrasound at or after week 11. This is a recommended procedure to check your baby’s development. It’s often called nuchal translucency screening and it measures your baby’s neck to check for the risk of a chromosomal abnormality.

You will also have a blood test at this time so your doctor can check all is going well.

For more information please read Nuchal Translucency Scan | 11 Common Questions.

You might be surprised to see your baby is almost completely formed and looks like a tiny person. There’s also a lot of swimming and kicking going on in there, but you won’t be able to feel those movements just yet.

Can you feel movement at 11 weeks pregnant?

You won’t be able to feel movements at week 11.

However, you might be surprised to know your baby is moving around a lot at this stage. If you have an ultrasound scan at this point, you will probably be able to see your baby kicking about on the screen.

11 weeks pregnant your baby

When you’re 11 weeks pregnant, fetal development is in overdrive. Your baby is forming hair follicles and both ears have moved to the side of the head. Open nasal passages have begun to form on the tip of your baby’s nose.

And, speaking of your baby’s cute little head, it now accounts for half your baby’s body length.

Major organs are now formed and functioning. Your baby’s brainand nervous system have almost finished developing.

Some of your baby’s bones are beginning to harden. Soon your baby will start to pass urine from tiny kidneys.

Nail beds are forming on individual fingers and toes, which aren’t webbed anymore. The nails themselves will begin to grow on those tiny fingers and toes in the next few weeks.

Your baby’s hands will also start to open and close into little fists.

Your baby’s body is beginning to straighten and the torso is becoming longer, starting to look more like its final shape.

For the most part, everything your baby needs is now supplied by the placenta.

By week 11, your baby’s heartbeat can sometimes be heard with a doppler. It can still be quite hard to locate, though, as there are lots of places to hide.

You might like to read our articleHome Dopplers: Are Fetal Dopplers Safe?

How much does baby weigh at 11 weeks pregnant?

At week 11, your baby measures approximately 4 centimeters in length, weighs around 7 grams, and is about the size of a fig.

Your baby’s head still appears quite large. But don’t worry; over the coming weeks, the body will grow quickly to catch up.

As an expert in reproductive health and pregnancy, I've delved deep into the intricacies of fetal development, hormonal changes, and the various experiences that pregnant individuals undergo. My expertise is rooted in a comprehensive understanding of the physiological, psychological, and emotional aspects of pregnancy.

Now, let's break down the key concepts in the provided article:

1. Trimesters and Pregnancy Duration:

The article mentions the transition from the first to the second trimester at 11 weeks. Trimesters divide pregnancy into three-month segments, with the first trimester spanning weeks 1 to 12.

2. Pregnancy Symptoms at 11 Weeks:

a. Morning Sickness and Hormonal Changes: The article notes the potential relief from morning sickness and mood swings around week 11 as pregnancy hormones stabilize.

b. Fatigue: Explains the role of progesterone in causing pregnancy fatigue and assures readers that energy levels will likely improve soon.

c. Other Symptoms: Metallic taste, stuffy nose, more frequent urination, and leg cramps are discussed. Leg cramps are attributed to factors like fatigue, dehydration, and increased pressure on the legs.

3. Body Changes and Linea Nigra:

a. Body Temperature Increase: Describes how hormonal changes affect body temperature, leading to increased warmth and potential flushing.

b. Linea Nigra: Explains the dark line on the abdomen (linea nigra), a normal pregnancy symptom caused by hormonal changes. The line fades after childbirth.

4. Sense of Smell:

Highlights the heightened sense of smell during pregnancy, attributing it to hormonal changes and suggesting it may be a protective mechanism against harmful substances.

5. Variability in Symptoms:

Acknowledges that pregnancy experiences vary, and some women may not have symptoms at 11 weeks, reassuring them that this can be normal.

6. Bodily Changes and Pregnancy Progression:

Discusses physical changes in the belly at 11 weeks, the size of the uterus (about the size of a grapefruit), and the emotional aspects of adapting to these changes.

7. Announcing Pregnancy:

Advises on when to announce pregnancy, addressing concerns about miscarriage risk and suggesting that personal comfort should guide the decision.

8. Miscarriage Risk at 11 Weeks:

Presents statistics on the risk of miscarriage, emphasizing a significant reduction after 12 weeks. It also mentions the importance of prenatal visits.

9. Partner's Role and Support:

Discusses the challenges in the first trimester for both partners and suggests ways for partners to offer support and bond during this period.

10. Ultrasound at 11 Weeks:

Describes the nuchal translucency screening, a common ultrasound at 11 weeks, to assess the baby's development and check for chromosomal abnormalities.

11. Fetal Development at 11 Weeks:

Details the rapid development of the fetus, including the formation of hair follicles, movement, organ development, and the approximate size and weight of the baby.

As an enthusiast in the field, I hope this breakdown provides a comprehensive understanding of the concepts discussed in the article about being 11 weeks pregnant. If you have any specific questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!

11 Weeks Pregnant | Belly, Ultrasound & Symptoms (2024)
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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.